We are now shipping this product with the new Powertap Air flash interface.
This device is compatible with a Windows laptop, and also allows you to reflash your ecu, log data, check and clear fault codes and change adjustable settings with your iPhone using the Powertap Air app now available at no cost in the app store.
For tuners and enthusiasts looking to recalibrate their vehicles for modified hardware.
Included is a powerful high-speed datalogging function, a map editor and the Eurodyne reflash interface.
MQB models with Maestro also support adjustable timing and boost. This allows quick changes to maximum boost levels and ignition timing without reflashing the ecu.
Available base files:
Stage 1
Stage 2
IS38 software for certain models
At the moment most of the popular box codes for North American MK7 GTI, Golf R and S3 models are supported.
We have Maestro support for the 4 Motion 1.8TSI models as well.
email support@eurodyne.ca to confim your box code is supported if it is not one of these models.